Pianorama is an opportunity for area students to perform piano duets and duos as a group. Pianorama is held every other year, in ODD years. Funds from this event support the Young Artist Achievement Awards.
Event Details:
December 8-10, 2023
Theme: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Rehearsal Dates:
Click the link to view the rehearsal schedule or download the early dismissal form.
Friends and family attending the concert on Sunday must purchase a ticket for $5 at the door.
Children 5 and under are free.
Registration: Click Here to Register
Repertoire List:
Click the link to view the repertoire list on the rehearsal schedule:
Fee: $25 per participant and non-NAMTA teachers. There is no fee for NAMTA teachers to perform in Pianorama. Non-NAMTA members must pay an additional $25.00 fee. Teachers can pay online by clicking below.
Send ONE check made payable to NAMTA to the address at the top of the Pianorama registration form.
Guidelines and General Information
Review these guidelines carefully and discuss the commitment with your students and their parents.
Participating teachers are expected to be present during rehearsals and help as needed.
We recommend that students have completed one (1) year of piano study. Place students in one level lower than their current playing ability. Match duet partners if possible from your studio. If you are playing with a student, include your name as the partner on the registration form.
All participants must use original copies of the repertoire—no photocopies.
All performers must have the following musical elements prepared prior to the rehearsals:
key signatures, metronome markings indicated on the Repertoire List, notes, accidentals, rhythm, style, dynamics, slurs, staccatos, accents, pedal, and page turns.
It is essential that teachers extensively prepare students for the event. We recommend teachers schedule a performance opportunity for their students prior to the rehearsals. Partners must be able to read their music, play together, watch and follow the conductor, and strive for a polished performance.
Teachers should use conducting skills during studio rehearsals. Direct one full preparatory measure prior to playing. Stage entries, bowing, and exits will be rehearsed for each color group in the auditorium.
Teacher Guidelines:
Distribute the Parent-Student Letter and look through the Teacher Letter. It is your responsibility to notify your students and their parents of the rehearsal schedules. Students & Parents should allow for approximately one hour on campus per day, and plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to their assigned rehearsal time. Attendance is required at both Friday and Saturday rehearsals to perform Sunday.
Fill out the Registration Google Form. This must be filled out by the teacher. Only one form needs to be filled out per teacher.
Collect the fees within your studio: NAMTA members have no teacher participation fee. Non-NAMTA members must submit a teacher participation fee of $25.00. All NAMTA and non-NAMTA teachers collect $25.00 per participant (student, parent, family member, or friend) Proceeds benefit the Young Artist Achievement Awards, and are non-refundable.
Submit the Registration Google Form and fees through the website OR one check made payable to NAMTA with the memo “Pianorama.” Mail no later than September 30 to NAMTA Treasurer: Allison Ernst, 5503A Tennessee Ave., Nashville, TN 37209.
Extensively prepare students for rehearsals and the concert. Provide a performance opportunity for your students prior to the Pianorama weekend. All participants must have a physical copy of the music — no photocopies.
Any questions should be emailed to Anna Lynn Vaughan (annalynnvaughan@gmail.com) and Christina LaTouche (clearlypiano@gmail.com).